"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." George Eliot
My dear one, It hurts to spend this beautiful autumn without you. My heart just about burst at the beauty of the color outside my apartment this afternoon. I would love to sit down with some hot cider and a freshly-baked pumpkin muffin and share my thoughts with you. October has been busy (and November looks to be even more so), but I have tried hard to keep that "margin" of rest and quiet that my spirit craves. I have avoided bringing work home with me at night... I've made time for regular exercise and found some real satisfaction in recent kitchen experiments. My latest adventure was cooking a whole chicken for the first time, and making a stock to freeze for future soups.
Wishing you a blessed day, dear one, wherever you might be. Will we find each other soon? I can't wait to see your smile for the first time. All my love, Me
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