Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Goodbye June...

My dear one, 

The month of June has been profitable and busy. I enjoyed my first international travel experience as a guest performer/teacher, joined a fantastic gym, bought a new car at a great price (and in a great color), and successfully ignored a birthday. As busy as June has been, I've been able to pull back a bit, savor quiet moments, and enjoy fellowship with dear church folks and colleagues. National news headlines are more sobering than ever, but they push me to study the Scriptures more hungrily than ever. An acquaintance renewed back in January after eight long months renders me silently (and unjustifiably) hopeful. My admiration for this one only grows, but I can't speak much on this matter without feeling like a fool... I was listening to the words of an Ella Fitzgerald song that resonated well with my romantic dreaming:

Imagination is funny 
It makes a cloudy day sunny 
Makes a bee think of honey 
Just as I think of you

Imagination is crazy 
Your whole perspective gets hazy 
Starts you asking a daisy 
"What to do, what to do?"

Have you ever felt 
A gentle touch and then a kiss 
And then, and then 
Find it's only your imagination again? 
Oh well...

Imagination is silly 
You go around willy-nilly 
For example, I go around wanting you 
And yet I can't imagine that you want me too

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