God the Lord is King: before Him
Earth with all thy nations, wait!
Where the cherubim adore Him,
Sitteth He in royal state.
He is holy; He is holy;
Blessed, only Potentate!
Earth with all thy nations, wait!
Where the cherubim adore Him,
Sitteth He in royal state.
He is holy; He is holy;
Blessed, only Potentate!
God the Lord is King of glory;
Zion, tell the world His fame;
Ancient Israel, the story
Of His faithfulness proclaim:
He is holy; He is holy;
Holy is His awful Name.
In old times when dangers darkened,
When, invoked by priest and seer,
To His people's cry He hearkened,
Answered them in all their fear.
He is holy; He is holy;
As they called, they found Him near.
Laws divine to them were spoken
From the pillar of the cloud;
Sacred precepts, quickly broken!
Fiercely then His vengeance flowed.
He is holy; He is holy;
To the dust their hearts were bowed.
But their Father-God forgave them
When they sought His face once more:
Ever ready was to save them,
Tenderly did He restore.
He is holy; He is holy;
We, too, will His grace implore.
God in Christ is all forgiving,
Waits His mercy to fulfil:
Come, exalt Him, all the living,
Come, ascend His Zion hill!
He is holy: He is holy;
Worship at His holy hill.
Ancient Israel, the story
Of His faithfulness proclaim:
He is holy; He is holy;
Holy is His awful Name.
In old times when dangers darkened,
When, invoked by priest and seer,
To His people's cry He hearkened,
Answered them in all their fear.
He is holy; He is holy;
As they called, they found Him near.
Laws divine to them were spoken
From the pillar of the cloud;
Sacred precepts, quickly broken!
Fiercely then His vengeance flowed.
He is holy; He is holy;
To the dust their hearts were bowed.
But their Father-God forgave them
When they sought His face once more:
Ever ready was to save them,
Tenderly did He restore.
He is holy; He is holy;
We, too, will His grace implore.
God in Christ is all forgiving,
Waits His mercy to fulfil:
Come, exalt Him, all the living,
Come, ascend His Zion hill!
He is holy: He is holy;
Worship at His holy hill.
I love the stately hymn tune ARDUDWY (featuring the Dorian mode, in case that means anything to you) which accompanies this psalm in my church's Trinity Hymnal.
With this post, I resume my "Psalm Countdown" after an unanticipated pause from blogging. Rather than trying to catch up, I will simply allow the countdown date to be adjusted. Who knows... it may turn out to be providential -- maybe the Lord will use those few extra days to work out our yet-to-happen meeting. August 27 is the adjusted date for Psalm 1 ... will I meet you by then, my dear one?
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