Sunday, January 24, 2016

Conduct in singleness

My dear one,

As I was leisurely getting ready for church this morning (Sunday School having been canceled due to morning road conditions), I found myself thinking yet again about a particular gentleman whose presence never fails to brighten my day. And though I continue to hope that, in God's providence, this young man could be you, I also found myself considering a scenario in which I tell you about him. And I would be able to do so without embarrassment or shame, for there is nothing unwholesome about my secret admiration for him. He is godly, thoughtful, smart, responsible, and gifted -- and it is those very qualities that cause me to notice him. Were you to know him, I feel sure that you would have already sought his friendship.

I would hope and pray that if you are currently pursuing another young lady, or have in the past, or will before you find me, that your conduct and regard for her would be wholesome and worthy of a Christian gentleman. And when you tell me about her qualities, I will respect you all the more for having looked for them in her, and I will strive all the more to cultivate those same qualities.

And yes, my dear one, I seek to cultivate those godly fruits even now ... and even if you never find me -- kindness, selflessness, modesty, holiness, joy, patience, faithfulness, "the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious" (I Peter 3:4). I do this ultimately for the Lord, not for you.

May we both walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called!
Your Evenstar

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