Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, my dear one!

Sleep evades me so I sit with a cup of tea, gazing at the lights of my Christmas tree. All my decorations are still up, and I'm in no hurry to take them down. Since arriving back home following time with my family, most of my time has been spent reading, writing, and prepping the course I'll be teaching this semester.

I have mixed feelings about the arrival of 2016. It has the potential to be a very good year, but I go into the year with some heavy responsibilities weighing me down. (If I make it to May in one piece, I'll be doing well.) What worries you the most about this new year?

My phrase for 2015 was "rich toward God," and this year I'm following that up with the word "stewardship." I need to cultivate disciplined intentionality in all areas of my life. Perhaps I'll expound on that later with some Scripture passages I'm claiming for 2016...

I spent a quiet New Year's Eve with friends, watching the new Cinderella movie and drinking sparkling cider. I didn't feel too much like the fifth wheel, but of course it would have been better if you were there with me.

Will this be the year we find one another? 
I still hope... 
Your Evenstar

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