Sunday, May 11, 2014

Heidelberg Catechism Week 19

50. Q. Why the next words: "and is seated at the right hand of God"? A. Christ ascended to heaven, there to show that He is head of His church, and that the Father rules all things through Him.

51. Q. How does this glory of Christ our head benefit us? A. First, through His Holy Spirit He pours our His gifts from heaven upon us His members. Second, by His power He defends us and keeps us safe from all enemies.

52. Q. How does Christ's return "to judge the living and the dead" comfort you? A. In all my distress and persecution I turn my eyes to the heavens and confidently await as judge the very One who has already stood trial in my place before God and so has removed the whole curse from me. All His enemies and mine He will condemn to everlasting punishment: but me and all His chosen ones He will take along with Him into the joy and the glory of heaven.

My reflections on the reading from the book...

Jesus has finished the work of my salvation. Having shown Himself to be the victor over sin, death, and the Devil, He sits at the place of honor and exaltation at God's right hand. One day He will return as Judge and King, and I will dwell with Him in the glory of heaven.
The coming of the judge means the coming of the end - the end of suffering, the end of depression, the end of cancer, the end of loneliness, and the end of sinning. Christ's return also means a beginning - the beginning of ceaseless praise, the beginning of perfect communion with God, and the beginning of delight that increases forever. (DeYoung)

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