I'm heading out of town again in the morning, this time for a week-long business trip. Never fails to get me out of my comfort zone... I'm putting on my brave face, and more importantly, striving to remember that this is the "mission field" to which God has called me. I was just talking with a friend last night about how Christian musicians have a real responsibility to be ambassadors for Christ in the arts community. When I'm around these people I often recall Psalm 49:20 - "Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish." So many in my sphere are deceived into thinking that success is measured by the number of adoring fans, or the number of albums released. They seek satisfaction in purchasing costly instruments and building up thriving studios. They boast of their awards and degrees and busy performance calendars. Their press photos are glamorous and their websites are sleek, but their souls are dark, dark, dark! I pray for grace and boldness to reflect the light of Christ's love to these lost ones. I pray that you will be doing the same, my dear one, in your spheres of activity and influence.
- Your Evenstar
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