Saturday, August 2, 2014

Psalm 42

Verses 8 & 11...
By day the LORD commands His steadfast love, 
     and at night His song is with me, 
     a prayer to the God of my life. 
Why are you cast down, O my soul, 
     and why are you in turmoil within me? 
Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, 
     my salvation and my God.

Here are three more pertinent and edifying quotes from Richard Sibbes (see previous post in this series, Psalm 43):
Corruptions be strong, but stronger is He that is in us than the corruption that is in us. When we are weak in our own sense, then are we strong in Him who perfecteth strength in our weakness, felt and acknowledged... 
If God be our God, that love which engaged Him to bind himself to us in precious promises, will furnish us likewise with grace needful, till we be possessed of them. He will give us leave to depend upon Him both for happiness and all sanctifying and quieting graces which may support the soul till it come to its perfect rest in God. For God so quiets the hearts of His children, as withal He makes them better and fitter for that which He provides for them... 
None feel more sweet experience of God's providence than those that are most resolute in their obedience. After we have given glory to God in relying upon His wisdom, power, and truth, we shall find Him employing these for our direction, assistance, and bringing about of things to our desired issue, yea, above whatever we looked for, or thought of.

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