97. Q. May we then no make any image at all? A. God can not and may not be visibly portrayed in any way. Although creatures may be portrayed, yet God forbids making or having such images if one's intention is to worship them or to serve God through them.
98. Q. But may not images be permitted in the churches as teaching aids for the unlearned? A. No, we shouldn't try to be wiser than God. He wants His people instructed by the living preaching of His Word - not by idols that cannot even talk.
My reflections on the reading from the book...
Those who attempt to create visual images of God (whether the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit) are creating a lie, because the true God is an invisible Being. God's majesty and glory cannot be represented on paper or canvas or in stone. We cannot bring God down to our level! Unfortunately this is quite common in Christianity, especially in children's Bible stories. I know of only one children's Bible that does not attempt to portray Christ! I know the view I hold to is an unpopular one - I am in the minority even here at a Christian university. But it's one I've come to have a strong conviction about, because I know how easy it is for me to form mental pictures of just about anything I dwell on. God wants us to seek Him in His written Word and through Christ the Living Word. Faith comes by hearing, not by seeing. We walk by faith, not by sight!
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