Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Psalm 62

Verse 5...
    For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
        for my hope is from Him.

I take the following thoughts from a sermon by C. H. Spurgeon, preached at the age of 23:
"My soul, make God thine only object of life - the summit of thy desires and the object of thine exertions. Have no care but to please God. Make God thine only dependence, and never trust in anything else. Make God thine only guide and confidence. Wait thou only upon God for protection in times of danger." 

"The Psalmist charges his soul to wait only upon God, because he had no expectation anywhere else but there."
Do I make these same exhortations to my soul on a regular basis? Or do I place my expectations in other, inferior sources, forsaking the spring of living water for a broken cistern that can hold no water? 

Important and timely thoughts for me...
Spurgeon preaching at the Music Hall
at the Royal Surrey Gardens

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