My reflections on the reading from the book...
Kevin DeYoung highlights seven "theological points" connected to this portion of the Apostles' Creed:
- Our heavenly Father is the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- God created the world ex nihilo, which is Latin for "out of nothing."
- The same God who created the universe out of nothing still upholds and rules His creation by His counsel and providence.
- This creator of the universe is my God and Father.
- God is my Father because of Christ, His Son.
- Therefore, we do not doubt His provision.
- He will turn to good whatever adversity He sends me.
In a recent conversation with a friend, the topic of "the universal fatherhood of God" arose. This friend believes that everyone on the face of the earth is a child of God and has God living in him or her. But if that were true, what need have we for Christ??? DeYoung brings up the truth of Romans 8:15 ... it is only by virtue of Christ's death and resurrection we can receive "the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba! Father!'"
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