Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday's stream-of-consciousness ponderings

My dear one, 

What a strange week it has been. Now that I have a chance to sit down and enjoy a quiet evening curled up on the couch with a cup of tea and a college football game, I find myself restless and lonely. Oh how I would love to hold a good long conversation with you... I would tell you how the delightfully cool autumn weather brings back memories of my happy childhood. I would tell you about my brother's spontaneous albeit brief visit and the sporting event I enjoyed with him last night. I would tell you about the music I recorded this week for a conference proposal and the mental and physical strain that such an endeavor causes. I would tell you how I successfully fought off an icky cold with essential oils, despite being exposed to the many students who came sick to their music lessons this week. I would tell you about helping my downstairs neighbors move out and how it spurs me on to pursue minimalism even more intentionally. I would tell you about my experience representing our university music program at a local college fair and how doing so definitely takes me out of my comfort zone. I would ask you about your week's trials and blessings. I would discover how I can help you, pray for you, encourage you. I would learn more about your interests, ideas, and dreams. I have been asking the Lord that He would do whatever is necessary to work Christlikeness in my life and yours... even if that means keeping us apart for more agonizingly long months and years. When I find my heart to be manifesting negativity or selfishness  or impatience in the course of my day-to-day existence, I ask the Lord if this is precisely why I am still alone. Will I ever really be ready for you? Will I ever have something to offer you? No doubt it is good for me to be humbled by such self-examination.

I'm here, dearest... 
- Your Evenstar

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