Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday busyness

Good evening, my dear one!

The first hint of autumn has made its tentative appearance this weekend! The trees have yet to don their festive leaf-colors, but today's grey coolness following the storm whispers the promise of more to come.

I sit out on my tiny balcony perch tonight with a cup of tea, to wind down from the energy-draining Sunday busyness that those in Christian service know so well:
  • Drove my 89-year-old neighbor to church.
  • Played piano for the children's Sunday School opening.
  • Assisted in the 4-&-5-year old class (Discussing God's creation of the animals: "God's plan is that elephants have baby elephants and monkeys have baby monkeys. And what do you think tigers have?" "STRIPES!" Well, yes.......).
  • Sang in the choir for the morning worship service.
  • Made red beans & rice and chocolate cupcakes for the college student supper.
  • Attended choir practice.
  • Played the offertory solo for the evening service.
  • Ate with the college students.
  • The End.
Truly, these days of singleness do not leave me twiddling my thumbs. My "church family" and my "University family" are the only folks to whose needs I can effectively minister at this stage of my life. Yes, it is hard living away from my flesh-and-blood family can only help so much through a phone call... O for the days when my brothers still lived here in town, so I could have them over and cook for them!

I confess, I so often imagine when cooking breakfast or conducting other home activities, that if you were here I would be able to serve you, encourage you, make your day a little brighter, a little smoother. I envy those women who have legitimate reasons to decline extra claims on their time: "My family is top-priority. I'm sorry I can't help with that right now." I can say no such thing, and so it's that much easier to end up over-committing myself to the detriment of my health and sanity!

Praying for you, wherever you are, as we head into the new work-week. May God strengthen your heart, your mind, your voice, and your hands as you follow His leading.

- Your Evenstar

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