I am missing you even more acutely than usual. (How can it be that I miss someone I haven't met though?) I miss you when the heavens open up in a genuine summer thunderstorm. I miss you when the evening sky glitters gold. And I long to know there is someone out there who needs me. I long to be able to ease your burdens. I long to wrap my arms around you and thank you for your prayers and patience. I long to text you for no special reason other than that I want to make you smile. The longer I live without you, the more I feel the need for someone who would motivate me and encourage me to be more sensitive, more selfless, more confident, more spontaneous.
My sweetheart, I have never been in love, though I have felt the occasional butterflies when I thought you had appeared on the scene. I have never enjoyed the attentions of a suitor, though over the course of the years I have gone on three separate outings with three different decent fellows. I have never kissed anyone except family, though your kisses have haunted my dreams. You will be the first to pursue, woo, romance, and win me.
Will the beginnings of our friendship be awkward? I wouldn't be surprised if at first you sense no interest from me - no doubt my careful, cautious nature will hold me back from expressing my hidden attraction to you. Or perhaps I won't notice you or think of you in any romantic way until you've convinced me that you are worthy of consideration. You are that someone about whom I will one day wonder increduously, "How can he still be single?"
Do my casual acquaintances wonder, when considering my single state, what my problem is that seems to keep men away? Do available young men steer clear of me simply because those before them have done the same, creating a self-perpetuating curse on my chances for love? O sweetheart, my biggest problem seems to be that you haven't found me!
Waiting for you...
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