For some strange reason I dreamed last night about coloring with crayons. I remember as if it were yesterday the childhood excitement of opening a new box of crayons. Lined up like soldiers, they stood there uniformed and alert in the box, awaiting my artistic whims. But then I would never want to spoil the perfect point of the crayon itself! Ha!
It mystifies me how some can host informal gatherings that many mutual church friends attend, when I never seem to hear of such events until the photos appear on Facebook. What would I need to change about myself to be considered welcome at such gatherings? Oh well, I'm likely not missing out on much... But what truly does sadden me is when a friend says constantly, "We really need to get together and do something soon," never with any follow-through despite my efforts. Dear God, enable me to be a faithful, reliable friend.
I pray that the Lord would bring someone into my life who will be a wise and strong leader. Someone with firm convictions and godly priorities. And I need someone who will tell me how I can please him. Those within my family, my dad especially, tend towards quiet resignation, never bothering to tell me how I can assist, encourage, uplift.
I finished the Lord of the Rings trilogy over the weekend. Enchanting... I now want to use "Evenstar" as a pseudonym - too presumptuous? It struck me as fitting for several reasons.
I don't agree with our culture's view that 20 is too young to marry. How wrong it is for our society to prolong adolescence and cater to the immaturity of today's young people. It is sad to see responsibility avoided like the plague and selfishness touted as a fundamental right! I have a friend who did marry at approximately 20, and now has five children. She is my age. Oh how I wish the God had ordained that life of young motherhood for me!
It would be splendid if my next car could have a sunroof. But then, what is a moonroof? Maybe I need to look up the distinction... Anyway, I want to let the light in.
Communication is vital in any relationship. There must be no secrets I keep from you, except for perhaps the surprise gifts I would wish to delight you. I want to you earn, keep, and never lose, my trust!
I walked through the neighborhood on this balmy Florida evening. The air is thick here, far away from either coast, and I listened to the music of the tree frogs and caught a whiff of some intoxicating floral fragrance. But nothing beats the scent of the orange blossoms during Florida's "springtime." I wonder where you live, my dear one. Here in Florida, perhaps? Or back near my current home? Or what about the beautiful coast of New England, where I've always dreamed of living? Maybe you're in a part of the country I've never seen. You'll have to explore with me! I'd love to go whitewater rafting, or learn to ski, or take a long drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Let's go hiking and camping someday! I did a lot of tenting with my family when I was young. I'd love to revisit some of those spots with you, if you ever come along...
I know several girls who have had their "dream ring" picked out for their engagement before they even meet their special someone. I can't bring myself to do that. The hope of finding you is fragile enough! I don't need to bog myself down with unrealistic expectations for rocks and precious metals! The only thing I have bothered to consider is the "blood diamond" issue. Sweetheart, let's look at other options.
I want to send you songs I like and know that you will listen
to them. I feel as though music is an extension of my soul, and through
it you will come to get to know who I am.
hope you don't think of me as shallow when I am slower than others to
contribute to a conversation. I'm still thinking of the right thing to
say! This is one "curse" of introversion, I suppose. But give me a topic
I'm passionate about, and you'd never guess I prefer to be the quiet
I may not know everything about
your work, but it will intrigue me because it is yours. I may not
understand the words you write, but I will ask to read them regardless,
my heart swelling with pride at your competence in your field.
All my love,
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